Saturday, 3 March 2012

Dylan Thomas Development

I have been developing my dieas for the dylan thoams classics brief. So i needed to get all the rescources that i need, i.e the content etc. Which i have now managed to do.
I now intend to produce:

5 sets of posters. That are based on 5 different authors and different styles of stories. All influential and all recognisable by the literature culture.

1. Dylan Thomas - Under Milk Wood
2. J.R.R Tolkien - Lord Of The Rings - Fellowship of The Ring
3. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
4. Philip Pullman - Northern Lights
5. George Orwell - Animal Farm

As the books vary in size they will be broken down in the most appropriate way, which is to say the larger books will be broken down in BEGINNING _ MIDDLE _ END. This is so that it can encompass the whole story, and i can extract quotes from the sections to best symbolise the books and their characters.

So the break down will now go like this:

1. UNDER MILK WOOD - x2 Posters with full book on, with 2 quotes.
2. LORD OF THE RINGS - x3 Posters, beg, mid and end, with 3 quotes.
3. GREAT EXPECTATIONS - x3 Posters, beg, mid and end, with 3 quotes.
4. NORTHERN LIGHTS - x3 Posters, beg, mid and end, with 3 quotes.
5. ANIMAL FARM - x2 Posters with full book on, with 2 quotes.

This will bring me to a total of 15 posters for the range. from this i will then need to work on packaging them. Through-out the layout/style/font for the backgrounds will be the same but the treatment of the quotes will differ. This is to create individuality within these books and to try and best represent them.


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