Thursday, 3 May 2012

Tutorial With Fred

I had my tutorial today, after evaluating my progress with my briefs it allowed me to go in more informed about where i actually stand with my briefs. I had a few vague questions about where i stand and what i needed to do with my other briefs. Fred outlined some hard truths which i really needed to be told, like firstly i needed to sort out the briefs that i consider finished. For example the ISTD brief, i needed to try and actually establish the main outcome for the brief. I've done the design work i just need to put it in a main form of deliverable. I already knew this but i defiantly think i was putting it off. So i need to re-evaluate my brief and create an outcome befitting its nature. With regards to the lulu brief, its a case of tweaking the the info graphic and making sure that's nailed and finishing the tweaks that i need to do and then i can put that brief to rest. Also with my Cleo tavern brief, i need to develop my skills working with vectors that it can be finished, finally and then that brief can be put to bed. I feel i will need to do more research for this element, as it is not my strength.
Whilst i am doing these, it was advised, that i put the other briefs im working on on hold. Which i understand, theres soem elements that i cant leave. For example the screen printing within the Dylan Thomas brief as i only have a few days left of my screen. I have a lot of work to do, which im prepared to do and ready for so its just a case now of focusing my efforts to finish the briefs by next weeks crit.

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