Thursday, 3 May 2012

ISTD - Promotion

After the tutorial i realised that it's important to try and get this brief completely finished, because as it stands at the moment i think i have a lot of stuff but nothing that makes it a clear product. 
When i was talking to Fred about it, it became more apparent that this brief was about exploring alternative print methods coupled with a strong concept. So i think thats what i need to make it about and celebrate it.
So the main concept change for it is the fact that its changed slightly into a 'limited edition info graphic pack, highlighting the worlds natural disaster using the general Sherman mapping structure, to be given to tree hobbyists and designers and culture sector'

So i was trying to think of a unique way of packaging the boards and publication as one pack. I started to think about the material, i want it to be a natural material so its in-keeping with the theme. I started thinking about using wood, plastic etc. But after speaking to Lorenzo, the idea of using a fiber instead of a sold material such as wood could be more interesting. So i then began to think about ideas for leather, including a zip and making the way they interact more interesting. So it would be better than just using wood, and it gives me a different format to work with.

I spoke to my friend in fashion Rose, and she said she could help in putting it together, and there are certain restrictions that i would have to factor in such as it would have to have sides as opposed to a pillow looking fold. She said she'd do some mock ups for me and we could go from there.

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