Tuesday 29 May 2012

Brief 7 - Branding Evaluation

Brief 7 – Branding

This was by far my smallest brief, and originally I wanted it to be something that I worked on from Easter onwards – however I realized that the other main briefs I was working on at the time had more potential and I needed to focus my efforts on them to get them completed to a standard I was happy with. So this meant that initially I worked on this brief sporadically, coming up with a range of different concepts and deliverables. However it constantly had an underlying theme, I knew that I wanted this brief had to represent me and my interests in branding, and my thoughts on it. I wanted this brief to explore the ideas I had put across in my dissertation whilst encompassing the research I had been doing throughout this module.
As I began generating ideas and development for this brief I began to see that there was a clear link forming between my DC brief and this brief, as well as touching on elements of my PPD module. As the brief progressed I realized that this was becoming all about my interests as a designer, which I was really happy with because it allowed me to put what I thought about design into a context that worked for me. By creating an =idea that would help deconstruct branding, as I did in my dissertation, but in a visual way is something that I will be able to refer back to through my career hopefully in the future. Due to the fact that this brief was solely designed for the design community it allowed me to have free-reign with regards to the format of it, and I managed to do formatting and publication design which I had previously touched on in my other briefs but I managed to really push in this brief. I also got the opportunity to work on on-screen design, although initially I didn’t really want to touch on-screen design I felt that within this brief it needed it, and I am actually very happy that I have done it because it has removed to daunting misconception of on-screen design.
Out of all my briefs this has been my favorite, I think due to the fact it was quite small and a fast turn around brief meant I couldn’t get sick of it and I could have as much fun with it as possible, whilst it revolved around a concept that I was really interested in. I think this brief was a culmination of my last three years studying graphic design, and its been very satisfying creating something that I am extremely happy with and can keep with me in the future. My only regret with brief is I wish I had spent more time on it, because initially I didn’t really see the potential in it until I started working on it. However, if I had started it earlier I may not have made the decisions I did and came up with the concept I did so as it stands I am happy.

Ougd303 Brief 7

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