Thursday 5 April 2012

YB - Layout development

After the meeting, we worked out our responsibilities and part of mine was to begin trying out the typographic layouts for the book itself. After going through the book and highlighting what part would relate to what, it was a lot easier to start experimenting.
We had already agreed that the type face we would use, would be Avant Garde, with the different weights and sizes used to highlight different hierarchy of information.

All the above images, show the experimentation of the different layouts for different pages. We knew that we wanted to mix up the style of images and the way they would be laid out. We had previously been through and selected images that we thought best represented the catagorised disciplines within Printed textiles, so it was a case of just going through and experimenting.
For intro and content page, we wanted them to be minimal and simple, so as not to detract from either. I think the spread across the double page works better, because they eyes can focus on the elements individually but as a whole they balance.
After playing around with the type and the layout i tried adding a simple overlay effect to the type, to try and encompass the image because we want the image to be more striking than the text itself and by overlaying it knocks it back a bit. Im not 100% sure about the images now that they are being laid out but i think with some tweaking, we can get a stronger set. At least we know what style we want. I also decided to try injecting some colour into the text just to see the effect. I think that it works, but im not sure about the colours and this is something we will have to discuss as a group.


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