Friday 13 April 2012

DC - Printing

After going through the book and how i want it structured, it means that i can now start looking at where to get it published because this will dictate (to a certain extent) the format and size of the pages. This is something simple, which i need to work to and will help give more definition to the book.
So i started out by looking at Lulu. this is a company i have already researched, they make the process of publishing a one off book really simple and accessible which is what i am looking for.

Initially i thought i'd want a hardcover, but going through my library the books i actually prefer to read are the books that are paper back. So this is the avenue i am going to head down. 

Then i had to think of a name for the publication, by going through this process it has actually forced me to make decisions that i wouldn't have before. So thats good. 

I got a bit confused here, and im still not sure about the paper that i would be printing on, and i think i may ask some advice from lorenzo before i settle on it. Its just a bit confusing. 

examples of weights

I defiantly want my publication to be landscape, this is because there will be case studies etc and i think it adds a nice quality and tactility to the book as opposed to a landscape print. Theres more rooms to layout images. 
With regards to the bind there are a lot of options, but again looking at the books i like and the feel they are all perfect bound, i borrowed lorenzos books to check and see what it was like. But, at this stage, this is the finish i want.

 And of course it will be full colour printing.
Lulu make the whole process very easy, which is nice. 

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